Things are changing
Empower your assets for better services and profits
Empower your assets for better services and profits
You are looking for a simple advice, learning more or understanding what the blockchain technology can bring to your business?
You want to improve the collaboration in your industry between your customers, suppliers, logistics partners, business partners or even with your competitors in a trustable environment and you are looking for a 3rd independent party to orchestrate the initiative?
We can help you to analyze the benefit of such collaboration through the blockchain technology, facilitate the discussions among all the parties to address the pain points, define the rules to reach a consensus, translate the needs in a Proof of concept, orchestrate the setup of the network and maintain the solution in production.
You want to optimize your operations, improve the performance and reduce the costs of intermediaries. The combination of IoT and blockchain technologies provides infinite possibilities in the autonomous management of your assets.
Our goal is to help you in the implementation of your solution in a minimum of time and investment. Our passion is the simplicity and autonomy of the object.
The smart contract is the heart of your asset that makes it stand-alone. It obeys the rules of trade that you decide. It interacts with the external physical world in real time and ensures the integrity of the data.
Every critical state or operation are preserved irrevocably and securely. The realization of a smart contract requires technical, business and legal expertise.
Our mission is to ensure a robust and scalable approach to your smart contracts with a complete end-to-end approach.
The evolution towards a more autonomous and open world demands more and more transparency.
We will pay special attention to ensure that the smart contracts comply with legislation and respect privacy. It is a guarantee of quality and trust for all but also a key element in a fair market.
Orchestrate and setup a blockchain network.
Perform an assessment for public (Ethereum), private or managed blockchains (Hyperledger Fabric).
Apply the best practices in user adoption with the support of experts in their domain.
Implement and deploy a Proof of Concept within a reasonable time and budget.
Manage the full life-cycle of a product in collaboration with key partners.
Be part of the blockchain community, following up the constant evolution of the technology.